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| Multimedia Producer |



I am a San Jose based producer who specializes in all parts of the production process: brainstorming in pre-production, shooting quality video, and perfecting the final edit. I'm committed to telling the best story possible throughout every phase of production. 


Let’s get creative together.

Get in touch and we'll make your unique vision a reality.

Anchor 3


Many things are possible with some enthusiasm, collaboration, and the power of a lens.

As a multimedia specialist, I'll create a piece that can be shared across many platforms. 

Technical strength is critical, but heart and connection is what will take your video to the next level.

Check out some styles I can implement for your next video that may inspire you.

SS Vitality - 3 Pillar Video Series
MCS Annual Fund 2021
"Be A Balm" by Elia Abu Madi | كن بلسماً" إيليا أبو ماضي"  (English)

"Be A Balm" by Elia Abu Madi | كن بلسماً" إيليا أبو ماضي" (English)

"Be a Balm" by Elia Abu Madi Be a balm when time turns into a speckled snake, sweetness when others turn to bitterness. Life has given you all its treasures; do not then be miserly with its gifts. Do good, though you may not be recompensed by a word of thanks. What reward does rain expect when it falls? Who rewards the scent-giving flower? Who repays the singing nightingale? My friend! Learn love from them, a precious lesson I have found. Strive for the happiness of others if you wish to be happy in life. Awaken your feelings with love if they slumber. Were it not for feelings people would be robots. Love, and the hut becomes a bright world; hate, and the world turns into a dungeon. Without wine, the cup is only glass; Without love, man is but bones. If you love the desert, its sand becomes flowers, its deceptive mirage becomes water. When beauty appears to the intelligent man he loves it. The sight of beauty brings suspicion in the ignorant man and he stones it. Do not ask for love from the ignorant; man does not owe until he understands. And be kind to the children of stupidity as though they were ill— ignorance is akin to blindness. Turn your attention from the thorns to the garden flowers, and forget the scorpions when you see the stars. “Be a Balm” by Elia Abu Madi كن بلسماً إن صار دهرك أرقما وحلاوة إن صار غيرك علقما إن الحياة حبتك كلَّ كبوزها لا تبخلنَّ على الحياة ببعض ما.. أحسنْ وإن لم تجزَ حتى بالثنا أىَّ الجزاء الغيثُ يبغى إي همى؟ مَنْ ذايكافئُ زهرةً فواحةً؟ أو من يثيبُ البلبل المترغما؟ عُدّ الكرامَ الحسنين وقسْهُمُ بهماتجدْ هذينِ منهم أكرما ياصاحِ خُذ علم الحبة عنهما إبى وجدتُ الحبَّ علما قيما … لو لم تَفُحْ هذى، وهذا ما شدا، عاشتْ مذممةً وعاش مذ مما فاعمل لإسعاد السّوى وهنائهم إي شئت تعد فى الحياة وتنعما * * * أيقظ شعورك با لمحبة إن غفا لولا الشعور الناس كانوا كالد مى أحبب فيغدو الكوخ قصرا نيراً وابغض فيمس الكون سجنا مظلما ما الكأس لولا لخمر غير زجاجة والمءُ لولا الحب إلا أعظُما كرهَ الد جى فاسودّ إلاشهبُهُ بقيتْ لتضحك منه كيف تجهّما لو تعشق البيد اءُ أصبحَ رملُها زهرأ، وصاَر سراُبها ا لخدّاع ما لو لم يكن فى الأرض إلا مبغضٌ لتبرمتْ بوجودِهِ وتبرّما لاح الجمالُ لذى نُهى فأحبه وراَه ذو جهلٍ فظنّ ورجما لا تظلبنّ محبةً من خاهلٍ المرءُ ليس يُحَبُّ حتى يُفهما وارفقْ بأبناء الغباء كأنهم مرضى، فإنّ الجهل شىءّ كالعمى والهُ بوردِ الروضِ عن أشواكه وانسَ العقاربَ إن رأيت الأ نجما Video collaboration with
San Jose Men's Year in Review
SJSC promo video1
Anchor 2


Complete Video Production

Let me take care of each phase of your project, beginning with the initial creative development and ending with delivery. I want to create what you are looking for. 

I will always adapt to the needs of a project. If you want a pre-produced feature highlighting a business, individual, or initiative, I'd love to sit down and draw out a game plan with you. Look below for some content description. 

Anchor 1


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Long Form 

10-20 minutes of interviews and 

b-roll footage. This can be documentary style or segmented into a magazine style program. Click here for a traditional example that I both co-produced and hosted.

Web Feature

3-5 minute (on average) edited feature about a person, event, business, or initiative. Can be used to promote, inform, or inspire. This can be formatted for both web and social media. Click here for a short example I shot and edited for social media and the MLB Network. 

campaign Series 

A series of different length videos often used to promote a product or tell a larger story. Some topics can't always be covered in one video alone! Click here for an example of a series I worked on with the city of St. Louis.  

Video Highlights 

No interview necessary! This a purely visual sequence that is sure to captivate. Usually concise and paired with fitting music. Can be any length that is needed. View a quick example here

©2018 by Samantha Glenn

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